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Acorns Resort Milford Lake Cabin

Linn, Kansas
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
265 Clicks


I have  Cabin 10 at Acorns Resort at Milford Lake KS rented for Friday May 8th (arrival) thru Sunday May 10 (departure) . I had a few things come up last minute and will not be able to make it. If you are interested please msg me and I can get this transferred over to you. This cabin rents for $678.28 per weekend and I have already paid $174 down so all you would owe is the balance of approximately $500.  This is a deluxe Cabin with kitchen (microwave, coffee pot, range/oven, dinnerware and refrigerator), 5 bedrooms (4 queen beds, 1 full beds --all with linens), 2 living areas, charcoal BBQ, fire ring, beautiful porches, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs, Wireless Internet and more. Near the lake! THE FISHING IS JUST GETTING GOOD RIGHT NOW.

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