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1988 Spraymaster gooseneck tandem axle pull type sprayer

Ensign, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 13 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 10 hours
9,314 Clicks


This is a 500 gallon sprayer that can be pulled behind about anything from a 1/2 ton pickup to a tractor. Was designed with 60' booms and to be used with a 3/4 ton pickup. Comes with a new but several year old Raven 440 controller, cables, partial booms, and a hitch for in your pickup (uses Binkley kingpin hitch). I never had it set up for spraying and only used it for a nurse trailer and controlled burns on CRP. Has a Kawasaki motor and Hypro pump, air compressor and foam marker. Will take some work and a few parts to replace weather damaged items to be operational again. Price reduced. Thanks for looking.

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