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Real Estate

Guymon, Oklahoma
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago
Expires in 0 minutes
427 Clicks
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Real Estate



Land  For Sale By Owner: $210,000


Beautiful Country living on 40 acres grass land.   All fenced with corrals, loafing shed and an 1800 square foot metal building which includes a double car garage and 950 square feet living quarters with a lot of storage above living quarters.  All developed in 2010.  Living quarters includes large bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom.  Stained cement floors throughout.  Double pain storm windows and central heat and air. Large covered patio.  3 storages units stay on property.  Fenced in 2 acres has gravel parking, small fenced in yard with sprinkler system, an above ground pool (unfinished deck),  wind break trees and lots of variety trees with underground drip system.  Two cattle guards to keep livestock in pasture. 

 Located 2 miles west of airport road on Road W and north ½ mile on Mile 27. 

 Please call to arrange a private viewing - Serious Inquiries ONLY ! 

 Leave a message. Calls made during the week will be returned after 5pm

 580-338-5148; Kevin and Mary Bobbitt


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