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Dunalino AQHA stallion standing at stud

Hays, Kansas
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
9,284 Clicks
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***This horse is not for sale***

Dunalino stallion standing at stud.  He's a seasoned heel horse with Zan Parr Bar being his grand sire.  He has an awesome, quiet disposition which he passes on to his foals.  They are all friendly and very interested in people.  He is a dunalino meaning he can pass on the dun gene and the creme (palomino) gene.  With a sorrel mare there are FOUR possibilities: Sorrel, red dun, palomino, or dunalino.

Booking for the 2019 breeding season now!
Stud fee is $400 with $5 a day mare care.





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