1107 N. State St.
Norton, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 1 hour ago
Expires in 1 day, 22 hours
3,532 Clicks


This auctio ad is for a MOTOROLA MITREK CONTROL HEAD AND MOUNTING BRACKET.  THE CONTROL HEAD MODEL NUMBER IS HCN 4011 A2, IT ALSO COMES WITH THE CONTROL HEAD MOUNTING BRACK AND THE MOUNTING SCREWS TO ATTACH THE CONTROL HEAD TO THE MOUNTING BRACKET.  The picture shows a chrome faced control head, there is also black faced control heads, buyer choice on the heads.  I have no way to hook this item up for testing.  AS WITH ALL THE ITEM'S THAT I LIST THERE IS NO WARRENTY EXPRESS OR IMPLYED, AS IS, NO RETURNS, NO REFUNDS, NO SHIPPING CARRY OUT ONLY.  PAYMENT WILL BE MADE IN U.S. FUNDS ONLY AND IN CASH ONLY.  there is 10+ of these units on hand at the time the ad was posted.  Thanks for looking

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