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Nigerian Dairy Goats: Doelings

Palco, Kansas
Posted 10 years, 8 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
471 Clicks


The Dryden family is selling Nigerian Dwarf Goats! This listing is for the 4 doelings and 2 older does that are for sale.

Nigerian Dwarfs are great for milking, and are excellent to raise for your 4-H project or FFA SAE. They also make great pets.

The seven doelings were all born in late April/ early May, and the two older females that are for sale are 1 1/2 years old. The two older does (Aphrodite and Bambi) will be sold for $100. Please contact us if you need more information!

*Listing for males: http://www.nextechclassifieds.com/listings/view/568910/

Please contact us at (785)-737-2871 or drydengoatsks@gmail.com for more information

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