Your Family... What Does It Mean To Have Legal Insurance In Your Corner? It Means... That You And Your Family Will Have Access To A Lawyer That Is available To You When You Need One. Our Provider Lawyers Can Look Over Important Documents And Contracts Before You Ever Sign, Or May Decide That A Call Or A Letter Written On Your Behalf Will Help Bring Resolution To An Issue. Enroll Today And Coverage Starts Today! Benefits Vary By State And Province.
We're all at risk. Identity theft is a devastating crime that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars and take years to resolve. It can mean hours of time off work, stress, despair, and frustration.
When an identity thief strikes, the emotions can feel similar to those experienced during a house fire. All of a sudden, everything you've worked for is threatened. If your home were on fire, would you want the fire department to send you brochures about how to put out the fire, then follow up with brochures about how to rebuild? Of course not. You'd want them to jump in the truck, turn on the sirens, and bring the water! Identity Theft ShieldSM puts the experts in the field of identity restoration on your side.
You'll get so much more than "do it yourself" information with Identity Theft ShieldSM.
For a FREE Consultation, Presentation, or Information please contact me directly:
Timothy C. Pacello
LegalShield(SM) Independent Marketing Associate - Manager
GoSmallBiz - Small Business Specialist
Goodland, Kansas 67735
Phone: (785) 728-7669
As a licensed Independent Associate with LegalShield(SM), Timothy helps many individuals and families, by providing legal and identity theft service plans. Timothy is also a Certified Small Business Specialist, who helps to protect and grow many small businesses with legal services and business plans available through LegalShield(SM) and GoSmallBiz across North America.
4 Provinces in Canada and 49 States in the U.S.A.