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Skid Steer Grapple Buckets

116 W Main
Kipp, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 12 hours ago
Expires in 11 hours, 34 minutes
13,423 Clicks


•Skid steer mount
•12" wide grapples
•Individual cylinders on each fork
•Scalloped blade for raking and root grapple
•Made of 3/8 HR plate CNC plasma cut
•Heavy duty, but still light in weight
•Both grapples can open 90 degrees
PERFECT FOR: Tree brush and logs, big rocks, debris, raking
•Businesses that perform pasture clearing, construction, and scrap iron retrieval
•A fantastic tool in general for around the farm


6' bucket $2,800.00
7' bucket $3,000.00

DWM ATTACHMENTS by Douglas Welding & Machine INC

116 W Main St

Kipp, KS 67401

HOURS: Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm

SALES: Regan  (785) 536-4902

EMAIL: douglasweldingfab@outlook.com

WEBSITE: www.douglasweldingmachine.com




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