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Driveway Material

Walker KS
Walker, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 2 hours
27,578 Clicks


I have a cheaper driveway and lease road material that works really well for mud holes and driveways.  It's a mix of rock and materials that actually gets hard after a nice rain.

I also have millings, white rock, concrete sand, pit-run sand, and many sizes of QUALITY hard rock 1/2"-4"

**NEW** I now have fill dirt and many different sizes and colors of decorative rock.

All materials are available for pick up or delivery (minimum 25 ton if I deliver). Call for pricing!

**NEW** I have purchased a new cross-dump trailer which allows me to spread a load of material from 2"-16" deep, 8 foot wide and NO WINDROW.  The video is an example of how I can lay the material out with the cross-dump trailer.  The last picture shows how the material will look after it is layed out with the trailer.

I still own the end dump trailer for your convenience.

If you get by Walker KS 1/2 mile south and 1/2 east, you are welcome to stop by and see these materials for yourself.

Thanks for looking!!  Ed Kuhn, 785-483-1625

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