Custom 6.5 Creedmoor

204 Walnut Street
Spearville, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 2 hours
135 Clicks


  1. Kreger Benchrest Barrel
  2. Defiance Action
  3. KRG Stock 
  4. Triggertech Trigger
  5. Vortex Razor Gen 2 4.5x27 56mm Scope
  6. Little Bastard Toneable Muzzle Break
  7. Dope Sheets and dope sheet holder 
  8. 500 rounds of 140 grain eld match grade ammo
  9. Hard Pelican travel case 
  10. I am willing to negotiate price just seeing what I can get for it! Feel free to text me or call me at 6203850636
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