Saturday, April 26, 2025 9:00 am, Early Bird Sale 8:30 am, Doors Open 8:00 am
Ella Missing Community Center, 411 6th St, Arapahoe NE 68922
More info, printable catalog, photos of every lot
Some of the highlights of this auction include a nice selection of Military Guns that include the nicest original M1 Garand Rifles and 03-A3 Rifles I have seen. Highlights of older Guns include a nice Winchester 1876 Rifle and a Large Frame Colt Lightning CLMR Rifle and Colt Single Action Army Revolvers. A collection of Sharps Pepperbox Pistols. Over 50 lots of Cowboy Western and Native American Indian Collectibles. Also many Military Collectibles and a large collection of Vintage and Modern Ammo.