If you are interested in my Keystone Vantage travel trailer.
Please DO NOT MESSAGE me please, but rather just call me on my cell.
Call me anytime and here is my cell#
Thank you in advance!
Tons of information below for you and 15 more photos on Facebook and Salina Craigslist if you want to see more.
To save you time on researching this unique, rare, and phenomenal Keystone Vantage camper.
I am only selling it since I bought a motorhome that I am living and traveling in now by myself.
So it makes no sense to have two RV's unless I was filthy rich like our politicians;)
This unit was rarely used by me and the previous owners over the years and is still in mint shape.
Everything works great from the 3 way fridge, AC, furnace to water system.
In case you don't know, the Keystone Vantage campers are extremely rare and unique.
They are built more solid than other campers, yet fairly lightweight, and built just as solid as an Airstream camper at 1/4 the cost to own.
Please watch this video from the Keystone Production Manager who goes through all the key points.
He goes into detail how everything built on this was above and beyond what they do on other campers even today.
Type this below into the YouTube search bar to watch the video.
Keystone Vantage Product Highlights
I even did some very time consuming and expensive enhancements to it such as:
Double coated the entire roof and edges with the best 100% silicone roof coating on the market - Henry's Tropicool.
I even put some special Dicor Seal Tite tape on all the seams and edges for extra security.
Coated all roof caps, vents, AC shroud with special coating.
Completely resealed with caulk all the sides, deoxidized fiberglass, buffed, waxed, etc.
Used special Eternabond tape on exposed awning fabric for protection from sun.
All new tires, extra seals on belly of camper for extra protection if ever used in winter.
The Keystone Vantage campers were only built for two years in 2012 and 2013.
Then unfortunately Keystone stopped production of them because of the expensive cost of manufacturing.
Then like most manufacturers, they focused on lower cost units that were still decently built, but not built as solid as the Keystone Vantage.
My 19UL floor plan model is only 23 feet, while all the other models in 2012 and 2013 are 30 feet to 36 feet long.
My 19UL floor plan model is also almost impossible to find anywhere since they did not make many of those floorplans.
Also, most people just hold on to the smaller units like mine, since they sell for a lot more than the larger floor plan models.
My 2013 model, the 19UL, in my opinion, is the best overall floor plan.
Because of the compact size, lower weight means smaller truck or SUV to tow it with, 2,000 lb cargo capacity, etc.
My floor plan does not waste any space compared to the others that are so long and heavier.
Mine has 2,000 lbs of cargo capacity, while the longer ones only have 1300 1500 lbs of cargo capacity.
Therefore, if you load up your large 50lb freshwater tank, generator, etc., the 2,000 lbs is really important.
Plus the large front, door and side windows are all in the lounging area on this floorplan.
Therefore, you get to enjoy looking outside them while eating, watching TV, lounging, etc.
The only two small drawbacks with my compact floor plan are the corner bed and no slide out.
However, because it was built so wide (8'6") and tall (7 ft. ceiling) like an Airstream, it feels very roomy like a camper with a slide out.
Corner bed - well, that is fine if both people are 6'2" and under and it didn't bother me to get into bed from the foot of the bed.Most small campers, motorhomes, etc., do have corner beds as you probably already know.
Airstream campers also have the 7 foot high ceiling design and the largest width in a travel trailer of 8 feet 4 inches to give you as much space as possible.
The only real difference in the Keystone Advantage compared to an Airstream is the shell is made out of an extremely thick fiberglass rather than the shiny aluminum metal.
The fiberglass shell is as thick and strong as the small Casita and Scamp campers that are very expensive.
My bottom dollar price on this is $13,500 since most people will ask me this anyway right ;)
Seriously though, it is well worth this, since this unit is built better than 90% of the brand new ones built even today. Plus I did a lot of necessary enhancements to it to protect the roof and camper from every getting any water damage inside.
Keystone Vantage
19UL is the floor plan
Length – 23’5″
Sleeps – 4
The table will fold down and you can sleep 1-2 in that section.
Hitch Wt – 680 lbs
Dry Wt – 4900 lbs
GVWR – 7000 lbs