Saturday, April 5, 2025 - 10:00 a.m.
Selling will be a White 2-155 Field Boxx diesel tractor, 1976 Chevy C65 twin screw truck, 1984 Nissan 4WD Kingcab pickup, Gleaner L3 diesel combine hydro, IH496 tandem 24' disc, Wetmore 350 bu. grain cart, Demco 200 gal. 3 pt. sprayer, New Holland 277 twine baler, Farmhand 8 bale accumulator, Krause 12' pull type chisel, Crust Buster 3 section hoe drill and more pieces of equipment, round bale feeders, feed bunks, panels and gates.
For a complete listing and pictures, go to and click on the Auction Calendar button.