March 16th Ellis Small Animal Sale!!
Start Time is 10am on equipment/Hay, 2nd ring at 12pm poultry/rabbit with hoofstock to follow
No Cardboard Boxes
All items & animals “As Is”, no guarantees. All animals with visible signs of health concern will be rejected.
Usual Runs include
** Fowl**
100+ mixed Roosters
Various Ducks and Geese
Doves &Pigeons
200-400 Pullets up to older Hens
Coturnix Quail occasionally Bobwhites
Breeding groups
*Hatching Eggs*
Sold by the container
Several consignments of mixed rabbits including Rex, Lops, Dwarfs, Flemish, Californias
We can see 20-50 mixed of these
Occasionally check the page
Generally 2-5 Donkeys and a horse or 2 of different kinds check the posts for details
All equine Requires Current Coggins Test!
See all types of cattle from baby calves to bulls and cows of all sizes
Feeder pigs to Fat hogs plus exotics pigs often
*Equipment/Feed/Related Items
Lots of used small animal and poultry equipment coming in.
Mini Jennies
Mini female cattle
Contact us:
Adam “Spanky”- 7856733284
Clint- 7856238843
Location: Ellis Junior Free FairGrounds 505 Cottonwood Street ELLIS KANSAS! Go to 6th Street then West to Cottonwood turn Left (south)
Check in starts Saturday 5:00pm to 8:30pm
***Sunday 8:15 until 10***
Rates Per Head/Item as follows:
0-100 20%
101-300 15%
301 and up 10%
No Sale- 2 per item/25 each large item/hoofstock
5/hd scrapie’s tagging fee if needed
Return Check- 50
Lo invitamos a comprar, vender o simplemente ver la venta de animales. No hablamos español, pero estaremos encantados de ayudarlo a través de una aplicación de traducción en nuestro teléfono. Envíe un mensaje de texto a Adam al (785)673-3284