Please DO NOT message me, but rather call me with any questions that you might have.
Thank you!
48..64 is my cell.
Nice SKS rifle with scope and extras.
I have 3 different magazines for it and two of them are brand new that cost $75.
I have around $100 worth of bullets that you can have with it also.
$375 is my bottom dollar price.
Just letting you know in advance. Thank you.
I also have over $550 worth of new Wolf Performance Cartridges also.
41 cases of 20 rounds.
The last photo shows all the details about them.
If you want these also I would sell the gun and the 41 cases for $750 together and no less.
I had it professionally cleaned in Hays at the gun shop a year ago.
The SKS assault rifle is chambered in 7.62 x 39mm. This is the same caliber as the AK-47, which is based on the SKS.
The 7.62 x 39mm is a rimless, bottlenecked cartridge that originated in the Soviet Union.
It was formerly known as the .30 Russian Short.
The 7.62 x 39mm is still used in many service rifles, including the AK-15.
The SKS is a gas-operated, semi-automatic rifle.
It has a rate of fire of 35–40 rounds per minute and a muzzle velocity of 735 m/s (2,410 ft/s).
The SKS has a 10-round magazine box that accepts stripper clips.
The SKS was invented in the Soviet Union as a replacement for the Mosin Nagant.
The Chinese adopted the SKS in the mid-1950s and produced millions of their own models.
The SKS is a popular choice for hunters and gun collectors.
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SKS Assault Rifles: A Menace to Public Safety - Violence Policy Center
The SKS assault rifle is the predecessor to the AK-47 assault rifle and uses the same 7.62 x 39mm ammunition as the AK-47.
Violence Policy Center
SKS - Wikipedia
7.62×39mm - Wikipedia
The 7.62×39mm (also called 7.62 Soviet, formerly . 30 Russian Short) round is a rimless bottlenecked intermediate cartridge of Soviet origin. The cartridge is w...
SKS vs. AK-47 - Rifle Rundown - The Broad Side - Target Barn
Sep 8, 2023 — The SKS is a gas-operated, semi-auto rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm. Coming in at 8.5 pounds, the SKS has a barrel length of 20-inches and overall leng...
A battle-proven gun design and a Cold War classic, the 7.62×39mm chambered SKS rifle is familiar to many shooters, hunters, and gun...