: 20 Bulls (Yearlings/ 18 month and 2yr. olds)
: HD50K tested
: No creep Grown not pushed these bulls will stay sound!
: Breed Leading Genetics Sired by Basin Deposit 6249/ Dynamic
Prolific/ Craftsman / Deadwood / Patriarch/ Gar Fireproof /Winchester/ Gar Sunbeam/ Virginia Tech Statesman/ Broadview /Mr. Angus
A Sample of some of the Bulls For Sale
Name Birth date Birth weight 205 adj
: 7J Basin Deposit 3871 3/15/23 71 713
Herd Bull out of a top producing Emblazon 999 cow
Top 10% Marb $G $B 15% YW Claw HS Cw $F 20% WW SC
: 7J Broadview 3119 3/7/23. 71 683
Heifer/Cow Bull with Top Growth ,Carcass and Maternal
Top 5% RE 10% $M $G $C 15% Marb $W 20% SC $EN $B
25% CED BW Claw
: 7J Prolific 3086 9/5/23 72 698
High Marbling Prolific son Top Growth Carcass and Maternal
Top 1% Angle 2% $M 3% $C 5%Claw 10% WW HP Marb $W $G 15% HS CW $B 20% YW 25% $F
: 7J Deadwood 3885 9/14/23 85 694
Herd Bull Deluxe sired by Poss Deadwood who sold for $900,000 and out of one of my highest producing cows that traces back to Barstow Cash. Growth Carcass and breed leading DMI
Top 2%$B 3% $F 4% Angle $G $C 10% RADG Marb DMI Fat.
15% Claw 20% CW RE 25% WW YW.
: 7J Winchester 3842 9/8/23 83 687
Thick Feed efficient High Marbling and easy doing bull.
Top 10% Angle $F $B 15% Marb $G $C 20% Radg Claw RE
: 7J Dynamic 3183 9/13/23 71 628
Calving Ease Deluxe with Growth and Carcass
Top 4% $W 10% CED WW RE $F $B $C 15% BW YW Fat $G
20% CW Radg CEM Marb
:7J Sunbeam 3168 9/14/23. 87 725
Larger framed Bull with Growth and Carcass
Top 15% $F 20% WW Claw CW $B 25% YW Marb $W $G $C
: 7J Basin Deposit 3895 3/14/23 81 796
Herd Bull Outstanding individual! Growth Carcass
Top 10% WW 15% CEM HS Marb $G 20% YW Fat 25% Claw $B
: 7J Fireball 3195 3/23/23 78 738
Calving Ease Deluxe With Muscle and very Feed Efficient
out of a Plus One daughter and Connealy Conquest grandmother
Top 3%CED 10% Bw 15% CEM $EN HS 25% DMI Milk
: 7J Statesman 3185 9/28/23 65 605
Calving Ease Growth Carcass
Top 5% CEM 10% CED Milk 15% BW YW CW Marb $F $G $B $C 25% SC $W
Contact: James Unrein (7J Angus)
Phone. 785-639-1961