Straight Run Dual Purpose Chicks

Agra, Kansas
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Posted 7 hours, 51 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 16 hours
68 Clicks


These chicks are from a pasture-raised flock selected over the years for cold hardiness, heat tolerance, longevity and meaty roosters. We have hens that are 6 years old and still laying consistently! The hens are crosses of a number of breeds and lay a rainbow of egg colors. They are currently with barred rock and bielefelder roosters. The males from the group reach about 5-6 pounds at 16-20 weeks. They aren't cornish crosses, but the quantity and quality of meat is better than from most laying breeds. We are hatching to order, so reach out to schedule incubator time. Fertile hatching eggs available, $12/dozen. 785-259-4927

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