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John Deere Planter Parts

Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 14 hours, 44 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 9 hours
15 Clicks


Went the Precison Planting route and have a bunch of good used parts for a deere Planter. Came off a 12 row 1770NT 

- 12 Eset Meters $100 Each

-24 Row Clutches #74046 New is $680 Ill take $300 Each

-12 Air Bags and Brackets  $25 Each

-12 Drive Shaft Cables Short Arm #AA57526 New is $133  Ill take $30 Each

-12 Front Drive Gear Box #57397 New is $217 I'll take $50 Each

-12 Non row Shut off Gear Box #A54374 New is $180 I'll Take $50 Each

-12 JD Sorghum Milo Plates #A43066 $10 Each

-12 JD Sunflower Plates #H136478 Less than 500 Acres $20 Each 

-12 JD Soybean Plates #A42586 $10 Each

-12 Precision Eset Corn Plates $10 Each

-12 Precision Eset Large Sugar Beat Plates (Milo)  $25 Each

-12 Seedrite Large Cell Plates for Wheat and Covers Less than 300 Acres $25 Each

-12 Seedrite Small Cell Plates for small seeded Covers Less than 200 Acres $25 Each

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