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24 Row Planter

Stratton, Colorado
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Posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 17 hours
53 Clicks


2012 24 Row 1770NT

36,000 acres

corn/milo plates

I do have the john deere notill 2x2 coulters as well, included in price.

Tru V where new the start of 24. There is some slack in the parrell arms

2x0 Nitogen system 7-25 gallon/ac, Fully variable rate capabilities

Infurrow system 2-7 gallon/ac, Fully variable rate capabilities

Both fert pumps controlled with john deere 2000 rate controler

Bought a differnt planter on auction is the reason for selling  

Justin 719-349-0142


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