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Arsenal SAM7R - 7.62x39 - Milled - AK 47

Mayfield, Kentucky
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Posted 1 day, 13 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 10 hours
74 Clicks


Want to sell my Arsenal SAM7R semi-automatic rifle in 7.62x39. Serial number- AC530135. This AK is in great condition with a fantastic bore and comes with a Trijicon MRO red dot, (7) 30-round Bulgarian circle 10 magazines, and a 20-round Hungarian Tanker mag. This rifle also has lots of upgrades, including an RS-Regulate optic mount, Surefire War-Comp muzzle device, J-Mac Customs M4 stock adapter, Tango Down quick release forward grip, Arsenal railed for-end, and Magpul grip and stock. No TRADES 

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