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5 year old nurse cow

1355 rainbow road
Lindsborg, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 16 hours
55 Clicks



Dotty is a 5 year old Holstein Normandy cross cow up for grabs. She has been a nurse cow the past few lactations and has done well with it! She is heavy bred to an angus bull and is starting to bag quickly. Going to be a cow you can easily have four calves on! She is not halter broke but is gentle to be around and will follow a bucket of grain. When she calves have you r extra calves ready, put her in the head gate a few times to get calves grafted on and then let her raise them for a few months and repeat the process! She will pay herself off in no time and hold that cull value as she weighs 1600+ pounds. Located in lindsborg Kansas Text or call Emma at 785-294-1702

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