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Red shorthorn bottle calf

1355 rainbow road
Lindsborg, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 9 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 14 hours
78 Clicks


I have this half red angus half shorthorn bull up for grabs. He was born January 28th (this morning) at 1am. He was calved unassisted by a first time cow. Calf was left with his mom until this morning. Had a full bottle of colostrum and will receive another one tonight as well as transition milk tomorrow and then he will be ready for his new home! He weighs around 75 pounds and has a pop of color! Unique little calf that would be perfect for 4H or graft him onto a cow. Agressive eater and spunky already! He did receive a vaccination of inforce 3 this morning and some BOSE. Located in Lindsborg Kansas. Will be ready for pickup this weekend and can give you some milk to take with him to transfer him over to replace if wanted. Call or text Emma at 785-294-1702

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