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Shar Pei Puppies!

Scott City, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 10 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 13 hours
114 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


Born 12/30/24

Pure bred, 4 females 1 male. 

Father is Black, Mother is Lilac Dilute; only the mother is AKC registered due to loss of contact with the breeder the male comes from, though he is pure bred.

3 Puppies (2 F / 1M) are Isabella Dilute

2 Puppies (2 F) are Black.

1 Isabella female, and 1 black female, have undergone "Entropion surgery" to fix their eyes so they may see properly, the other 3 are fine!

Taking reservations for sale, optimally around 7-9 weeks of age (negotiable), at time of posting, Puppies are almost 5 weeks.

Puppies are potty trained to use pads, and are eating solid food while undergoing weaning.

 More videos and pictures can be provided upon request.

$2000.00 OBO

Owner: Beau / Cellphone: 620-214-1902

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