We have used this trailer as a coop for our laying hens with good success both summer and winter. The interior temperature in winter rarely went under 40 degrees. Hens produced throughout the winter months and their water dispenser never froze.
The bull pen used for the run is surrounded by metal sheeting to keep weather and preditors at bay. The surrounding wire over the top serves the purpose of keeping flying preditors from entering.
We are asking $550.
I think Nextech is having some techinical difficulties as my answers to querries are not going through. Texting may be a better option for nowl.
785 299-0970
City says we cannot keep our flock
We have 20 Laying hens with smaller run $260
We hatched and raised these ladies. They are 12 to 18 months old.
Producing 15 to 18 eggs daily.