Auto repair Shop/ Business moving sale

430 East Highway US 36
Saint Francis, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 5 hours
409 Clicks
Appears in
Garage Sales


Shop/ business moving soon and would like to thin down or sell most or all of my engines/cores/builders/ parts and 4x4 and axles so I do not have to move it all. Small and large chevy engines, intakes, heads etc etc. Some LS. Chevy axles 1/2 and 3/4 ton. Some car stuff. 73-87 square body chevy parts of all kinds, wheels and tires.  Misc. other stuff. Will entertain all offers. Come look in person. 430 East Highway US 36 St. Francis Ks. 78five three3two four45zero. Text, call or stop by. Thank you. 

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