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The Firewood Guy

34068 U RD
Ellis, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 13 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 10 hours
51 Clicks


A Grade Stock: Premium Quality! (add $25 to tote prices if keeping tote. Refundable upon return) 

  • Economy Lake/Fire-pit Bundles - $3 each. 


  • Economy mix - $50 per tote
    • $200/cord; $100/half cord; $70/face cord; $50/quarter cord


  • Variety mix - $75 per tote
    • $300/cord; $150/half cord; $100/face cord; $75/quarter cord (Economy and Hardwood mix)


  • Hardwood mix - $100 per tote
    • $400/cord; $200/half cord; $135/face cord; $100/quarter cord


  • BBQ smoking wood/Hedge - $125 per tote
    • $500/cord; $250/half cord; $170/face cord; $125/quarter
      • Pear, Cherry, Crabapple, Apple, Maple, Hedge, Oak, & Mulberry in stock.

B Grade Stocks: Now in stock of all the above species. Discounted prices for less than ideal quality. Please inquire.

Stocked year around! Sold in full cords, halves, thirds, or quarter cords; a few pieces or any combination of mixes. Will sell/deliver with steel IBC tote for a refundable deposit.

Prices include free dump delivery within Ellis & Trego Counties; $1/loaded mile beyond. Processed to 12-18 inch length & 2-4 inch diameter, outdoor seasoned, kiln dried, and moisture tested. Please let us know if you need a specific length for fireplace inserts. We will accomodate. 

***A cord is 128 cubic feet of volume stacked tight; the same direction. A half cord is 64 cubic feet and a face cord is just under 43 cubic feet. These figures do change if loose thrown/unstacked. A short pickup bed is approximately a "face cord" or 1/3 of a cord.***

Dump Delivery - included in price free within range. Deduct an additional $20 from these prices if picking up yourself at business location for full cords only.

Restacking fee - $75/cord; $35/half cord; $20/face cord

Call or text: 785 4three2 11fifty-five

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