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Anatolian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees 6 mo pups & new litter

Morehead, Kentucky
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Posted 8 hours, 58 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 15 hours
30 Clicks
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We have 3 female livestock guardian dogs ready looking for a flock to guard. They have been exposed to sheep, goats, pigs and birds; watching our other dogs work. They still need training but show great promise. Born July 2024. Current on Parvo shots. Will consider a deal if you take more than one.

Same mom/dad had a new litter of 9 pups. Will be ready for new home March 13th. We have 2 solid brown, one white with brown tipped ears/tail and the rest are solid white. Can send pics upon request of new pups and answer questions. Mama is keeping them locked down in this cold weather. Pups sold at 8 weeks will be $250. 

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