hay for sale

1331 Flag rd
Abilene, Kansas
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Posted 8 hours, 4 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 15 hours
127 Clicks


I have some 2024 oat hay and some grass hay for sale. 

grass hay is brome prairie mix put up in round bales. avg 1600#/bale $100/ton. 1 semi load available

oat hay is in square bales and round bales put up dry. rounds bales avg 1500# and square avg 1250#. squares stored in the shed. tested the square bales and they were 89% DM 11.29% protein and nitrates at 910 PPM.

oat hay round bales $85/ton   3 semi loads available

 oat square bales $95/ton    3 semi loads available

call Levi at (785) 280-0886

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