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Pickup Topper (small truck)

Hays, Kansas
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Posted 4 hours, 10 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 19 hours
25 Clicks


Fiberglass Truck Topper fits a small pickup  -  Selling a used (but very good condition) hard shell pickup topper that fits a small pickup.  Currently shown on a 1999 Chevy S-10.  (but the pickup shown in the photos is NOT for sale).  The paint/finish on this topper is in very good condition – very shiny yet. The two slide widows work good.   Dimensions:  58” wide x 76” long 20” tall. (inside the topper measurements are 56” x 72”)  20” tall. 

Includes the four mounting clamps to fasten it to the bed of the pickup.  (a $25.00 value). The buyer will also receive the set of keys that lock the door handles.    

Brand: Suburban Toppers

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