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Nigerian Dwarf Goat Doeling

Hutchinson, Kansas
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Posted 16 hours, 38 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 7 hours
18 Clicks


I have a really nice Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat doeling for sale. 

This pretty little girl would be an exceptional option for someone who wanted to have milking goats someday! The lines that back her up have thoroughly proven there milking abilities, to which I will gladly provide proof of documentation upon request. 

I am a Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat herd in Hutchinson, KS. You can read my website by copying and pasting this web address into your browser: https://www.cottonwoodhollowhomestead.com

I care a lot about where the animals I raise end up. As such, I will ask any prospective buyer a few questions before I agree to sell any of my goats. You also are welcome to ask whatever you like, and I am happy to answer questions you might have about how to raise goats if you're new to this. You can start by checking out this article I published that covers all the basics of raising goats: https://www.cottonwoodhollowhomestead.com/how-to-raise-goats.html 

There's no better time than now to create for yourself a more self sufficient farm life with dairy goats!

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