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AKC Male Dachshund

Sylvia, Kansas
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Posted 18 hours, 50 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 5 hours
49 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


Amos a red Smooth Coat Male, 3-13-16 he is AKC, UKC with 4 CH on that Pedigree and ACA He is $500 

NO SHIPPING. Dog door trained and UTD with parvo shots and dewormer, Bravecto was given in July. Located at Sylvia Ks 620-727-0998

I do also have 2 Cream Longhair Males both AKC and DNA tested. 7-18-18 $1000, 8-23-21 $1500 All these dogs have been good producers.

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