612+/- Acres of Cattle Pasture with Pond, Water Well, and Corrals in Ellis County, KS
Ellis County grazing property rarely hits the open market and with cattle prices continuing to surpass all-time highs, available grass is incredibly hard to find. This full section has all the tools to serve as the cornerstone to a cattle rancher's current or future cattle operation.
Key Features:
-Immediate Grazing Possession
-New Five Wire Fencing
-Steel Cattle Working Corrals
-Spring Fed Pond + Water Well
-Light 2024 Grazing
-Excellent '24-'25 Winter Moisture
To inquire about the listing contact Greg Bieker at 620.639.3337
View details at www.RedCedarLand.com or copy and paste the following link into a web browser: https://redcedarland.com/detail/612-acres-of-cattle-grazing-pasture-with-corrals-new-fencing-in-ellis-county-ks-ellis-kansas/70650/
Offered by Red Cedar Land Co., 2 NE 10th Ave, St. John, KS 67576