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Boer Nannie’s

Victoria, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 15 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 8 hours
110 Clicks


I have two Boer Nannie's for sale. Number 1 was born March of 2019 and to my knowledge number 2 was born sometime after 2020. The reason I am getting rid of them is I'm looking to downsize a little bit from the numbers I have now or possibly replace the 2 with just 1. They were both set to kid this January but ended up aborting late November. Number 1 has been a great nannie and has always taken care of her kids. Number two has only kidded one time for me and had a single. Asking $200 a piece. Possibly have a couple more for sale but they will have kid/kids with them. 

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