Foot Locker

Hays, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 5 hours
76 Clicks


Foot Locker  - $60.00   Seward Explorer Trunk / College Dorm Chest /Summer Camp Storage Footlocker  | Durable construction of wood & metal with nickel plated hardware and corner guards.  Measurements: 29½” wide x 10½”  tall x 14½”.  

Adds extra storage for any room and provides ample space to store clothes, supplies, linens, collectibles, keepsakes and memorabilia.

Digital Travel Alarm Clock – $8.00      Multi purpose travel alarm clock with a “month at a glance” calendar, timer and built in calculator. Look up world time code keys and it also has a money/ratio exchange function.  

Measures 4½” x 3” and when closed is less than ¾” tall. Operates on quarter sized flat batteries.  (3 included).  Instruction manual included.  Works good!     

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