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Mini Sheba Inu puppy

La Crosse, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 5 hours
109 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


We have a 2 1/2 month old Shiba a new puppy. She is a female. Her name is shadow. It takes a few days for her to get used to her new people. But once she does, she is spunky and fun and loving. She loves kisses she loves playing. She loves kids. She's OK with older dogs but puppies. She seems to have a problem with we have a puppy and she plays a little too rough with her. We are getting rid of her because we have too many dogs and three is just a little too much to handle and we're moving into a two bedroom apartment so three dogs is not gonna work out. We are asking 325 for her please contact Becky at 785-656-2780.

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