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18 bred heifers, mostly black, 3 pairs, very nice calves

WaKeeney, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 19 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 4 hours
2,545 Clicks


I have 16 bred heifers, bred to Leachman and Nichols Angus Bulls, 3 good calves on the ground, 2 black baldy banded bulls and 1 red banded bull, calves are tagged to match, get nasalgen 3 and multimin 90 first day.  9 Black/BWF Heifers, 3 Red and 4 Char., Pregged by vet for Jan. 15 calves for 60 days.  Heifers have had Vista once and scourguard, $2900/hd/take all 15 heifers, $3300 pr./take all 3.  These are average heifers bred to really good calving ease bulls, heifers were pelvic measured prior to breeding and all come from 1 home, call or text or message here, 785-743-8o65 

cow, cows, steer, bull, hay, cattle, heifer

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