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Skid steer services/ snow removal/ call or text

1868 US Hwy 40
Hays, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 13 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 10 hours
235 Clicks
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I have a 289d cat track skid steer with Stump grinder attachment, bucket, grapple rock bucket and forks. I have a 20ft dump trailer with 4ft sides and a  21ft flat bed trailer. If you need stuff hauled off, moved, torn down or just need some dirt work done give me a call or text. I can haul about 10 tons in the dump trailer. The pictures are a driveway I just finished putting asphalt millings on. And the other is a pond i was working on.

Skid steer is $120/hr plus mileage after  20 miles from Hays.  

Call or text. I probably won't see it here until after the fact. Thanks

701 629 5955

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