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13 bred heifers, 11 Black, 1 Red, 1 Char

WaKeeney, Kansas
Posted 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,064 Clicks


13 bred heifers, 11 black and BWF, 1 red, 1 char, all bred black to Leachman and Nichols bulls, calving ease, calve end of Feb. to end of March, will weigh 850-900 lbs. now, should be 1000 lbs. when they calve, will be 1200-1250 lb. cows., $2500/hd/take all., call or text or message here, 785-743-8o65, couldn't geet pics to load, can text pics


cow, calf, steer, bull

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