Shorthorn cow calf pair

1355 rainbow road
Lindsborg, Kansas
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Posted 6 hours, 52 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 17 hours
71 Clicks


I have an older shorthorn pair with a heifer calf  up for grabs. Cow is old but gets around and eats great while holding solid weight and raising her calf. Calf was born on November 5th. Cow and calf were kept in a shed to keep them out of the mud and rain. Calf was vaccinated 24 hours after birth with ultrabac7 and Inforce 3. Cow has a good bag and she did latch great within the first hour of birth. Cow is pretty gentle. Eats out of your hand and scratch her head. Calf is thick and healthy! We will split the pair in a week or so if no interest in the pair. Call or text Emma at 785 294-1702 

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