Short and Long Arm Micro Switches

3405 300th Ave
Saint Edward, Nebraska
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Posted 5 days, 15 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 8 hours
364 Clicks



Direct Pivot Parts has short and long arm microswitches in stock and ready to go.

The short arm are $15.25 each and the long arm are $14.25 each. Counter-intuitive, I know!

We also have the Poly rollers available if you prefer.

Call me for all of your pivot parts needs! 

The owner of our company still farms, and we love saving farmers money on parts!

Call me for a no pressure quote on anything. Pivot parts, Under ground pipe and wire, pivot structure, cattle waterers, chemigation pumps, shop heaters, etc, etc, etc..

806-414-5166 or 308-391-1214

Pick up in Saint Edward, NE or Hart TX -or we can ship to your door.

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