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New Johnson Mfg. 1200RS Hygrade Grader Blade w/Rear Steer
1200RS – 12’ Rear Steer HyGrade Grader
All hydraulic cylinders, hoses and tips are included.
Requires 4 hydraulic remotes
Dual hydraulic cylinders for blade angle are standard on each model.
All hydraulic cylinders have nitro steel shafts to withstand element exposure.
Hydraulic Rear Steer that allows the operator to move the blade 4 to 5 feet more to the left or the right side of the tractor hydraulically from the tractor seat.
Blade angle hydraulic relief valve standard on each model.
12′ blade lengths
Blade angles 45 degrees left and right.
Blade tilts 15 degrees left and right for slope cuts.
Concrete weight & box scraper ends are standard with each model.
Deep Quad Rib tires have excellent side bite traction.