Huge Lego Haul

907 Washington
La Crosse, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 20 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 3 hours
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I have been gifted a huge haul of Legos.  These have been in storage and need some cleaning.  Some pieces have come off but I'm sure they are in the boxes and just need found and put back together.  I looked up information and some of these pieces are discontinued and some are worth several hundred dollars.  I'm sure there are some more gems I haven't found (I did see a piece that said Central Perk).  

I'm not exactly sure what to ask for these so please offer if you think my price is too high.  If it doesn't sell this way, I will probably take some time to put the pieces back together myself and list separately.  

I have many more pictures but can't attach them. 

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