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Pumping units

17199 east 715
Dover, Oklahoma
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Posted 2 days, 6 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 17 hours
289 Clicks


320 cmi Ajax engine. 228 cmi Ajax engine 228 Morgan fairbanks engine. Several 114s 160 pumping units. 1" rods 7/8s 3/4. Triplex pumps. 10 acres of equipment. Well service tools. rig parts. Derricks. Skytop. Pemcos. Watson hopper. Frank's. Cameron's. Drop boxes. Over 50 tubing an sand Drums. Derrick Sheaves. Small pole derricks. Numerous casing tongs slips elevators. Nice Lay down trucks. 13 well service rigs. Swab units. Rick. 1-405-699-1401

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