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2008 Bision trail express 4 horse living quarters

1203 grant st
Victoria, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 11 hours ago
Expires in 12 hours, 36 minutes
361 Clicks


It's a 2008 model 4 horse has served us well, but the time is getting near that my daughter and son will go down the road with out me, eventually I will down size so mainly my daughter can go without me. I have done alot to the trailer, remodeled the inside, had the axels cut out and straightened and professionally welded back on, new canopy installed. I had new tires and new wheels put on about a year and a half ago some miles but are in goo shape.

Everything works on this trailer.

Asking $29,000 obro

Any questions please message on nextech and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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