G Squared Firearms LLC
Have many new and used AR15 and AR10 style rifles for sale. Willing to help build the perfect AR rifle for your needs. See below for list of calibers for sale. message for pictures of firearms.
Licensed FFL dealer and can find any other firearm you are looking for. Guaranteed to be lower price than any box store or gun broker. 10% cash discount on all firearms if paying with cash. Firearm transfers from Gunbroker or other websites for $15.
Ar15 and Ar10 in stock
1.used custom Anderson manufacturing 223/5.56 24" stainless bull barrel $400.
2. Used custom 6.5 Grendel $550
3. Used custom 6.5 creedmoor $700
4. Used custom 243 $650
5. New custom 22-250 $900
6. New CBC Industries stripped AR10 lower $75