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Surgical Scrub Technician

921 E. Highway 36
Smith Center, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 8 hours ago
Expires in 15 hours, 33 minutes
191 Clicks


The surgical scrub technician performs delegated technical functions under the direct supervision of the perioperative registered nurse based on the level of training and competencies the individual may have. The scrub tech must have a thorough knowledge of aseptic technique and practice and surgical instrumentation, equipment, methods, techniques and principles. Must have a working knowledge of medications used during surgical procedures. SCMH will help train the right candidate. Qualifications include High School Diploma or GED and knowledge of medical supplies and medical terminology is helpful. Good oral and written communication skills and CPR certified. Apply online at www.scmhks.org/careers. SCMH is an equal opportunity employer. Position open until filled. 

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