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John Deere R4045 Sprayer

Garden City, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 19 hours
1,255 Clicks


2018 John Deere R4045 Self-Propelled Sprayer. Farmer owned and shedded. Premium cab with heated /cooled seat, refrigerator. Greased on the fly with the Lincoln auto luber.  2,533 Hrs, 4600 display w/6000 receiver.  AutoTrac Guidance, Section Control, In Field Data Sharing, John Deere 9.0L 6-Cylinder Diesel, Hydrostatic Transmission, Stainless Steel 1200 Gal. Chemical Tank, 120' Booms, Stainless Steel Boom Plumbing, 15" Nozzle Spacing, Air Suspension, 380/105R50 Tires, Fenders, Heat, AC, Exact-Apply Nozzles, Wheel Slip Control.
Recent major work:  All pins and bushing on booms replaced, fuel injectors, fuel lines, and water pump

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