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Springfield Operator .45ACP

Winfield, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 19 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 4 hours
455 Clicks


I have a new in the package, unfired Springfield Operator in the two world wars winning caliber of .45ACP! For real though, this is an awesome gun and they’re hands down the best 1911 in this price range. I have several which is the only reason I’m willing to sell this one.
It comes with a set of G10 scaled grip panels as well as the factory originals. 
This will come with a couple Wilson Combat magazines. I can also throw in a new in the package safariland holster to sweeten the pot if necessary. The holster alone is in the $150 range. 

I travel around central Kansas quite a bit so I'm opening to bringing it to you within reason. Live in Wilson, travel to Winfield weekly. 

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