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For Sale: (2) 200bu. Hopper Seed Tender

385 6th RD
Bushton, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 13 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 10 hours
874 Clicks


For Sale: Seed tender with (2) 200 bushel hoppers, hydraulic drive 6" augers, steel top access door. These hoppers were made to slide into that back of tandem truck with a 20' bed. Use it during planting season, pull it out and sit to the side and use the tandem for other things. 

It is currently ssitting on a 15 ton pintle hitch trailer, 24' long, rear dove tail with ramps, near new tires. 

I will sell just the tender or just the trailer 

I do have a engine driven hydraulic power pack available to go with this if that is needed

Location: Bushton Ks

Price : $8500

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