We are M&S Farms and we are excited to be partnering with the Colorado Seed Growers Association and PlainsGold to provide quality wheat seed!
Conveniently located just south of Sheridan Lake Colorado off Hwy 385, we service Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma customers alike.
This year we are offering two excellent varieties, Whistler and Guardian, both of which are PlainsGold Varieties. Both Certified and Registered seed will be available.
Whistler is a great choice for dry land farmers looking for a hardy variety that has been engineered to prioritize maximum yields over straw strength. It offers excellent resistance to both stem rust and WSMV, as well as good resistance to stripe and leaf rust. It’s later maturing allows farmers greater flexibility at harvest and helps convert late rains into higher yields. We personally found this to perform exceptionally well despite below average rainfall and did not find the slender stalks to be an issue.
Guardian is one of the most significant strategic wheat varieties on the market today. It has unparalleled protection against WSMV and a robust defense against stripe, leaf, and stem rust. It has enabled many farmers to reclaim high yields on disease prone ground and is designed to produce excellent test weights, further boosting its potential.
Both Certified Verieties will be $13/bu which includes royalties and registered seed will be availible for an additional $7/bu to growers.
Both varieties qualify for a premium wheat program that is offered to producers who grow certified seed wheat and deliver to participating elevators. This years premium was 10 cents a bushel.
We look forward to serving you. Please reach out via phone or email (no solicitations please) with the contact information below.
Email: msarnsfarms@gmail.com
Michael: 719-940-5558
Wesley: 719-691-5792
Jonathan: 719-291-2736
(additional search terms: Plains Gold, HRWW hard red winter wheat, W.S.M.V. seed planting, crops, sowing)